Hi, I’m Jenna!

Hi, I’m Jenna!

Blogger. Entrepreneur. Unicorn.

From the time I was a little girl I was always creating, selling and inventing new ideas. I guess you can say that I have always been a passionate visionary ready to let my creativity shine. 

Although, my childhood wasn’t a bad childhood. It wasn’t always rainbows and butterflies. I grew up kind of poor and was passed between relatives. (Not because I wasn’t loved but because sometimes parents need to figure out the best situation for their children.) Thankfully my grandparents were able to reunite my brother, mom and I under one roof on a peach orchard in a small town of 1300 people in East, Texas. I’d travel to the west coast to visit my dad during holidays and summer time. My mom and dad always did the best they could with what they had. I loved camping and traveling with my Dad and when I was at home on the farm, my mom always made Christmas feel special.  

Growing up I did experience a lot of bullying from being the new girl, but it pushed me to want to try anything and everything. I started to excel and eventually I gained the confidence to break out of my shell. I became a social butterfly. 

Did you know that Monarch butterflies use their internal compass to find their way? Well, most people in life have a path like those butterflies, for me, that’s something that I never had. I worked many different jobs. I never really had a direct plan or purpose for my life. I always focused on the first 100 feet in front of me.

After years of supporting myself through college, good relationships gone wrong, betrayal and climbing my way out of debt and working hard for startups and corporate companies. I realized that you only have yourself to rely on and the self made babe was born. 

In just one years time, I went from having to live with my family friend (rent free) to getting my big break – landing my dream job that later led me to meet the love of my life. 

Even though I lived on food stamps, and struggled with not feeling good enough there were a few key people that helped me get over some of the biggest challenges that got me to where I am today. 

I never gave up hope. 

Over the years, I started acquiring skill sets that would make me indispensable in the workforce such as Experiential Marketing, Branding, Social Media Strategy, Social Advertising and Platform Development. 

Thankfully, my unique skill set allowed me to stand out from the competition and break through the 2010 recession. Within 1 year of graduating,  I started working at a cool startup car company called Local Motors for 5 years that created the world’s 1st co created car, 3d printed car, and autonomous bus, I worked at Tesla, I worked at a full service design firm out of scottsdale and vegas, I created my own online boutique store, and won start up weekend – I’m an award winning app creator. 

I then went on to be the first in the company to spearhead the launch of  2 brick and mortar retail stores, 1 50sqft vehicle factory and many pop up containers with one of them that landed on the White House lawn in Washington,DC.

Created a speaker page that could generate Local Motors over half million dollars, grew social channels on poshmark, youtube, instagram, and facebook. 

Eventually I became the Marketing Manager of one of the top funding companies. I was hired directly by a billionaire via Linkedin to help launch their Florida office.

Later down the road, I worked for a company as a Director of Marketing. I would cold call and setup email automations.

Everything you do in life is a stepping stone…

Unfortunately but fortunately I did get fired from one of my roles which made me realize it was time to start my own marketing agency called POKITBOSS. I continue to build Self Made Babes Community and write on this blog to showcase my journey. Not everyone is an overnight success. Creating this community has been in development inconsistently since 2017….

It is my greatest joy to help Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses BECOME SELF MADE SUCCESSES through my marketing agency POKITBOSS and my Community known as Self Made Babes. I know what it feels like to be underestimated. I know what it feels like to be not get paid what you are worth or make the money you want to make. I know what it feels like to do too much and not get noticed. Sometimes you have to go outside your comfort zone and take a risk on yourself! I have jumped out of planes, jumped off skyscraper buildings, and dived off giant cliffs. I have discovered my passion, purpose, and recipe for success and I’m ready to help you do the same! 

Interested in speaking? Let’s have a phone call.

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